Christmas 2014
10 years ago
Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that's full of romantic dreams about the world around you. Exploring exotic places is your ultimate dream, and although you can be a little naive you'll realize that there is something to be gained from your family's wisdom.
Cute hair cut. Way to go Mom! Perfect timing too for summer. Was she excited about her new look? I just started cutting Merrick & Jack's hair again. For the longest time they would scream and cry when I tried to cut it so we had to go to a salon but finally I gave it another try, produced some sugary incentives and the rest is history. Don't look too cloesly though. I'm not as good as the paid hairdresser, but I won't give in to Seth's promptings to just shave them both!
nice to know she won't have hair to worry about on her p=ssy for a long time I like bald p=ssy the best
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