I am constantly trying to find myself and what my passion truly is. Above is something I came across on
ETSY. I love so many things, but to make a living of it is a different story. I do not want the stress of whatever I choose to overtake the love that I have for that particular job. Maybe there is a special career that I can make up that is a variety of things that all go together, that encompasses all that I am. I like to sew and I would love to learn how to look at something and be able to sew it myself and make the pattern for whatever comes into my head. I now know what my style is and I would love to show it more and make things that tell my story and shows my personality. I am finally at a point in my life where I am getting comfortable in my skin and I have accepted the fact that this is me and what's the point of changing it because I am getting happy with myself. I love fashion and design in all aspects. I don't want to stick myself in only one spot for the rest of my life causing me to miss out on so much more creativity. Maybe I will go to school for my own personal experience to find my skills and not just for some piece of paper that says that I have a degree in 1 single area. Oh I simply don't know :( I know I have some time, but I only get older by the day.
lolHere is the list..Fashion Design (consisting of sewing, accessories, clothing construction, drawing, etc.)
Interior Design (more sewing, drawing, architecture, elemental configuration, building, etc.)
Photography (mainly taking photos of my own products because I am extremely
OCD about the way that I want things to look and especially if I made it)
All of this is what makes me happy..I am a frilly, fancy, sparkly girl where too much is never enough!
I have confidence that I will figure it out someway.. somehow..and sometime.