Well, to add to my former post, I felt terrible by the end of the night again and by the morning it was just plain horrible. I couldn't take it any longer so I went to get a throat culture because my throat was on fire and I couldn't swallow at all. I seriously don't remember being sick like that since I was about 6 years old. I was pretty positive it was strep. I went in to Kaiser and the nurse told me I looked awful and that she was pretty much sure it was positive and if it wasn't that I'd have to see a doctor right away. I had a 101.5 degree temp. and sure enough it came out positive for strep. I have absolutely no idea how I got it which is why it is really scary to me. Anyway, I've been laid up on the sofa and my bed for the last 30 something hours and the medicine has made a huge difference. I feel remarkably better already, I am so glad I went to get tested because I would have ended up in the hospital, it was really that bad.